Tuesday, October 23, 2007

And a Buick Century Becomes Our Chariot...

The final bell meant my life was beginning. My keys hit the ignition before my feet had a chance to find their places amongst the pedals, my only pause being to crank the radio to its maximum and deafening blare before smoothly avoiding the exiting busses. My first stop was always a give in; his school looked like a prison, but the sincerity of the smile on his face was always priceless.
Dinner time brought us to the shadow of the monument, devouring the remaining slivers of our Christopher’s Italian subs. We’d pretend to know where we were going as we climbed the rocks and trees off the beaten paths our feet refused to follow. At the top of a rock face, we found ourselves before a map of our world,
Dessert brought us to Franklin, where we left Shoprite with armfuls of youth: Mondos, Little Hugs, and chocolate chip pudding cake, all instantaneously demolished as we sat amongst the carts.
At twilight we found ourselves before dilapidated giants, once beautiful in their time and growing even more with age. We’d play between the cracks in the walls and the graffiti ridden exteriors of the buildings of the past.
Night fall meant Wheatsworth park, a legend in and of itself, where we reclined the seats and lowered the music, letting the final sensations of summer seep beneath our flesh. This was the realm in which our heads could finally clear, and the only sounds we needed where that of our own voices drifting between the headlights of passing cars.
What is love, you ask? Its found somewhere between the dashboard and the backseat, sunken under school books, lifeguard uniforms, and sweaters securely waiting for winter’s touch. It’s in every destination we face, and the playground hidden beneath it. It’s in playing hide and seek in Walmart, and stopping for the occasional ice cream as we hang precariously from the windows of the elegant beast that takes us about our mayhem. What is love? It’s the youth within our daily travels.


madcrazycool said...

i love this, and i love you. no other car would work in this title, honestly. buick has such a soft sound. :]

Zeus. said...

Babycakes, I too love this :)

my favorite line is:

"What is love, you ask? Its found somewhere between the dashboard and the backseat, sunken under school books, lifeguard uniforms, and sweaters securely waiting for winter’s touch."

I also liked details like "Christopher's Italian subs" and the "shadow of the monument" because that's close to my house and I could picture it :)

i liked the idea of "armfuls of youth" and all the things you named in that list.


Honey Bee's on Tuesday said...

Kimi, I absolutely love this piece. My favorite line out of the entire thing is

"Its found somewhere between the dashboard and the backseat, sunken under school books, lifeguard uniforms, and sweaters securely waiting for winter’s touch."

Ugh I love it!! One suggestion i do have though is to do something with the ending. I'm not exactly sure what you could do, but it doesn't seem like it has as good of an ending as it does a beginning and middle. other than that its awesome!

longandwindingroad said...

"And a Buick Century Becomes Our Chariot"

That was amazing!!! I'd have to strain to think of love as something we find between car seats.